Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cardio Exercises For Losing Belly Fat - Get Flat Abs in 30 Days Or Less

Losing belly fat is very hard for some who misses the right idea of being fit. Some belly fat exercises may not that effective for you anymore. Most people lose fat but it's not even throughout the body. Can you imagine a lady walking in the park with flaunting legs and rosy cheeks with bulging tummy? The entire outlook is cracked! Working out on your cardio can do the trick. Some people do cardio exercises but still are not successful in ditching belly fat because they are doing it the wrong way thus their exercise is just a waste of time.

Cardio Exercises

Doing intensity cardio training is the best way to burn off those belly fat and other overweight problems fast. It is not the hours that you spend that will make the big difference but it's how you work in that particular time. Quantity versus quality! The latter will always win! You do not need to push your body for long hours of exercise. Even with just a 20 minute intensive workout will be sufficient. You just need to push yourself up to the limit in the shortest time possible. In general, the intensity of your cardio exercises is more important than having a long duration of cardio exercises.

Having knowledge regarding different cardio exercises will also make your routine effective. Never underestimate the power of walking and running as potential belly fat exercises. Boating and rowing will also be great for additional strength of the upper body. Swimming is more than just a hobby since the effect of which is very beneficial in toning upper body development. If you want to get rid of bulging tummy with limited budget, you can try jumping rope routine. It is considered as one of the best home workouts. Simple yet outstandingly effective! If you love outgoing activities, then hiking is the best form of exercise for you. Trimming down is always enjoyable as long as you know the right attitude towards the achievement of such goal- to be fit. Kickboxing or intensive aerobic classes can also give you same great results.

There are also good strength cardio workouts like martial arts, rock climbing, basketball, base ball, etc that will help you burn more belly fat.

Choose from this cardio workouts and you're on top in getting a head turning body shape. Don't be a coward bull! Try these natural cardiovascular exercises for this will really help you to have a good physique as well as good health. Belly fat exercises help you live longer and free from diseases such as heart diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and many more.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Weight Loss Cardio Workout - The Best Cardio Workout

By now you may have heard that cardio is the best exercise for fat loss so you are looking for weight loss cardio workouts that will work best, right? Wrong! Cardio workouts should always complement a sound weights regime, so never just do cardio alone and expect a toned body. Always incorporate a good weight routine. For the purposes of this article however, the best cardio workouts contain variety. Here is why...

Weight Loss Cardio Workout

You keep your body thinking. You see, once your body gets used to certain steady workouts such as low impact cardio for long periods, it decreases the effectiveness of the workout and hence less calories burned. The second reason you need variety is because you don't want to get bored right, so change it up!

The example best cardio workout below can be performed with any exercise that will raise your heart rate enough to be slightly out of breath and work up a sweat, i.e. Treadmill, cycling, rowing, swimming, jogging, running, etc. Best part about it is that it only lasts for 22 minutes, so no more long boring 45 minute or more sessions!

EHIIT - Exciting High Intensity Interval Training Weight Loss Cardio Workout (stretch before hand)
  • First 2 minutes - warm up at a comfortable pace, so just enough that you can talk as well as exercise.
  • 3rd minute - Increase to HIGH intensity so that you are unable to talk anymore and your focus is just on that exercise, you want to be puffing by the end of the minute and these are the intervals that will work up a sweat for you.
  • 4th minute - Decrease your intensity to being between warm up level and High intensity, so it will be your MID Intensity range, you could once again talk to someone here.
  • 5th to 20th minute - Alternate between the HIGH intensity and MID intensity levels each minute up until you've done 20 minutes in total.
  • Last 2 minutes - Cool down and stretch afterwards.
Total workout time: 22 minutes

This weight loss cardio workout has become one of the most popular over recent times put simply, it works! It is also very adjustable meaning that when you when you have lost weight and can push to the next level (say on the treadmill), you can still apply the same HIGH - MID intervals for the 20-30 minutes. The best cardio workouts don't have to be long winded and boring, so replace your old routines with this EHIIT technique, 2-3 times per week and watch the fat fall off.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What is the Best Cardio Exercise to Burn Calories?

The truth is that there is no one best cardio exercise to burn calories. The secret lies in consistency and intensity.

Cardio Exercise

Some people enjoy running, some prefer biking, and others like doing cardio on equipment such as a treadmill, eliptical machine, or stationary bike.

These are all fine choices to burn calories, as long as you do them CONSISTENTLY and at the right pace. There is no significant difference in calories burned between these exercises as long as you perform them all at the same

For example, let's say you perform a 20-minute cardio session in which you jog part of the time, run part of the time, and sprint part of the time. This session has left you out of breath, sweating, and gasping for air....

...Now let's say for your next session you ride a stationary bike for 20 minutes. When you're done, you feel like you haven't even exercised. Does this make the stationary bike less effective than running? NO! It just means that you have to pedal faster and harder next time to achieve the same results that you did with running.

If you are a beginner to cardiovascular exercise, start off slow. Walking or briskly jogging is a good way to condition yourself to move on to running and/or sprinting. Though walking isn't the best cardio exercise to burn calories, it is VERY important that you begin slowly to avoid injury or health mishaps.

If you are already conditioned to perform cardio, try to push yourself to make progress each session. Whether it be an extra minute or a higher notch on the intensity of the machine, try to progress from your last session. Forget about that the best cardio exercise to burn calories is, and focus on making progress and pushing your limits with any cardio exercise.

It is a myth that low-intensity cardio will burn more fat than high intensity cardio will. Low intensity cardio burns a greater percentage of calories from fat, but the total amount of calories burned during low intensity cardio is not enough to make a significant difference on fat loss.

It's not rocket science: The harder you exercise, the more calories you will burn!

So pick an exercise you enjoy, perform it consistently and as intensely as your health permits, and try to make progress from session to session.

Remember: While some cardio exercises may be slightly more effective than others, there is no single best cardio exercise to burn calories. Start slowly, make progress, push your limits, and be consistent!

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